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August 3, 2010

It’s been a long time I didn’t blogging. I feel so bad leaving my blog unattended for the last six months. Lately, I’ve been really busy with school and family. I took loz of picture for my cooking, but I barely have time to post  any update. Here are my latest cooking…

Ba’nh Bo^.t Ha^’p (Steamed Rice Cake)

New Moon–Vegetarian Dinner

December 16, 2009

As usual, I don’t eat meat and live stock on new moon and full moon. Therefore, tonight meal was quite simple; Mainly veggies and tofu. It took less 30 minutes to prepare the entire dinner.

Step 1: Chop 1 glove garlic

Step 2: Cook brown rice

Step 3: Deep fry tofu. While waiting for oil to be heated, cut tofu into bite size.

Step 4: While tofu is frying, wash bok choy and button mushrooms. Cut these veggies into bite size.

Step 5: Keep an eye on the deep fry.

Step 6: Mix sauce

1 tbsp mushrooms flavored sauce, 1 tbsp soysauce, 1 tsp sugar, 1/2 tsp sesame oil

Step 7: Put deep fried tofu on a side. Place a non-stick stir fry wok or pan over medium heat. Add 1 tbsp Olive oil, 1/2 tsp annatto seeds. Discard the seeds after 1-2 minutes, then add finely chopped lemongrass, and minced garlic, and chopped chili pepper (crushed red pepper can be sub). After 2 minutes, add mushrooms, and put heat on higher setting, about medium high. Stir continuously. Add 2 tsp mixed sauce. Stir for another 3-5 minutes. Take off heat.

Step 8: You can use the same wok, on medium high heat. Add 1 tbsp Olive oil, 1 tsp minced garlic. Wait until garlic is slightly gold, add cut bok choy (just stems). Use a wooden spatula to stir about 3 minutes, add the remaining bok choy (the leave) and stir about 3 more minutes. Add deep-fried tofu and the remaining sauce. Stir well and turn off heat.

Here are some pictures that I took before dinner…

Lemongrass Mushrooms

Stir-fried Bok Choy

… and this is Vivian’s plate


Christmas Scenery

December 15, 2009

This is what we’ve prepared to give Daddy a warm welcoming :).

The tree was up a day before Thanksgiving.

Then, the Brat really wanted a Gingerbread house, so I got an idea to make it out of cardboard to avoid ants matching in my home. It took me three nights to finish this “wanna be” Gingerbread house. Below is my 1st night’s work

2nd Night’s work

… and finally, got light on the 3rd night

Finally, this is full scene at our home… can’t wait to see you home, Daddy Bunny!


New Hair Cut

December 15, 2009

It happened tonight 😉 . I tried to keep it around eye brow length, but my skill wasn’t that good, so the trimming scene keep repeating until it was too late. Now the Brat’s bang is too short. I felt too bad, but she looked so happy with her new “short” bang :). She said, her hair look like that “clumsy girl,” and I asked, which girl. The Brat answered, “Sam Soon, in the Lovely Sam Soon drama.” Oh my God, it was so funny. She wasn’t mad, but she was happy instead. Tell me if you think my little Brat looks like that girl.

Hey, don’t laugh, this isn’t that bad for a first time barber like me 😀

1st Snow

December 9, 2009

It was snowing this morning, and the weather was freezing cold. Since this was our first snow in the MidWest, the Brat and I decided to take a few pictures. Unfortunately, my hands froze, so we ended up with only 2 pictures for the Brat, and nah dah for me 😦 Anyhow, I wished my Ông Xã was here to watch the snow with us.

Dislike the Brat…

December 6, 2009

why? ’cause she tricked me 😦

She bumped her head onto mine, then Laugh OUT Loud like a crazy gal… HATE you Brat…

Stuffed Game Hen

December 6, 2009

Thank you BònBon for the tips! The hen came out beautiful.

Based on BònBon’s instruction, I managed to debone the hen. First, I cut along the back of the hen, then separated the whole rib. Then moved on the leg, this is the easy part. Just cut around the joint, then pull the thigh down, and get rid of the leg bones. Leave the wings alone, because hen’s skin really thin and easy to be ripped. Next, marinated the hen over night, with my special recipes. Finally, sew the hen back together and stuff  with sticky rice, diced Chinese sausage, shredded egg, and diced Vietnamese pork patty. Then bake in oven about 30 minutes at 425ºF.

Last step, cut the entire hen in half, length wise, and serve. This recipe serves 2 perfectly.


December 6, 2009

It was 17ºF in the morning, so I made the Brat wore more clothes. She looks so cute in those puffy outfit; just like a lil snow girl 😉

Here is Mommy’s Girl

Go Back in Time…

December 6, 2009

… I’ve found these photos from our previous road trips.

Old State Capitol, IL

The Lincoln with 2 adopted daughter from Asia

Fun time

Navy Pier, IL

River Front, Peoria, IL

First snow, Las Vegas, NV (2008)

LA, CA trip

… mommy’s & daddy’s castles

Miss Xích Lô (Cyclo)

Highway 1, CA

Caramel Flan by Miss & Mrs Huynh

December 2, 2009

And here are our chefs’ portrait 😉
