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Parmesan Baked Salmon

November 30, 2009

This is what we had for tonight dinner: Parmesan Baked Salmon with brown rice and veggies. The salmon fillet is coated with cracker crumbs and Parmesan cheese to give a crispy outer crush and tender inside. I’ve found this recipe is quick and easy to prepare. Since this dish is so rich, so I add brown rice and veggies for better taste and a healthier diet.

Brown Rice

1 cup Uncle Ben brown rice

1 1/2 cup water

1 Tbsp mince garlic

1 Tbsp olive oil or butter

Add all ingredients together in the rice cooker and cook.

*If you dont have a rice cooker, follow cooking instruction on the rice package.

Parmesan Baked Salmon

2 pieces of Salmon fillet (6 oz each)

2 tbsp mayonneise

1 tbsp shredded Parmesan cheese

1/2 tsp lemon juice

1/4 lemon pepper

1/8 tsp crushed red pepper (optional)

Preheat oven to 400°F. Spray a baking pan with non-stick coating (or spread butter on the baking pan). Place Salmon fillets in pan.

In a small bowl, combine the rest ingredients, except cracker crumbs. Spread mixture evenly on top of salmons.

Bake uncover for 10 minutes, then sprinkle the cracker crumbs on top of the salmon. Continue to bake for another 5 minutes or until salmon flakes easily with fork.

*Prepare Cracker Crumbs

Thanksgiving Leftover

November 30, 2009

After Thanksgiving dinner, this was all we had as leftover 😉 good thing. I hate to eat leftover!

Just Calico Corns, Cranberry Roasted Chicken with Cranberry Relish with rice.

Thanksgiving Dinner

November 27, 2009

On the fourth Thursday of November each year, American celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday with many different traditions. One of these traditions is the feast. The food is the largest part of this holiday. Traditional foods include turkey, stuffing, gravy, sweet potatoes, cornbread, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce. Many people serve pie for dessert at the end of the meal. Popular pie flavors are pumpkin, pecan, sweet potato, and apple. However, I edit our dinner menu a little bit to fit our appetite.

First, we had appetizer with Nem Rolls, Calamari, andVietnamese Ham and Steamed Patties.

Nem Rolls similar to Vietnamese Spring Roll, except Nem Roll includes grilled garlic flavored pork patties instead of steamed pork and shrimp. So, this Nem Rolls filled with Nem, rice noodles, lettuce leave, cucumber, and dipped in peanut sauce.


Vietnamese Ham and Steamed Patties Platter supposed to have Vietnamese Ham, usually made of pork hocks, steamed pork patties, thousand years eggs and pickled carrot. I was in a rush, so I only had time to put ham and patties on the plate.

We had very simple main course; Just Cranberry Roasted Chicken served Calico Corns and Salad as sides.

The poor chicken was glazed with homemade cranberry sauce. This sauce had a very thick texture, reddish appearance and some how tasted like plum sauce. Yet, the chicken came out with a very attractive golden glazed.

Cranberry Relish to serve along with our chicken…

And here are our side dishes:

Calico Corns

Finally, we had caramel flan for dessert.

Here are a few pictures of our dinner…

Smashbox order

November 21, 2009

Was sleeping like a pig, then someone ring the door bell. I was so sleepy, maybe sleep walking, when I open the door. I found a box, and this is everything inside that box:

This set looks so small…  but I guess, it’s okay for $24, plus I also get coupon $25 off for next purchase of $100.

Thursday’s Dinner

November 21, 2009

Thursday night… hooray… weekend is coming, and there is one less weekend to count. By the way, this is what we had for dinner: Chicken Salad. I bought 2 game hens to try out the meat (have to confess that I never have game hen before). So far, it is good. Back to the dish. Roasted game hens in Asian flavor, atop Iceberge lettuce and simple vinaigrette.

We also ate Sticky rice with Chinese sausage.

Sticky rice with Chinese sausage

And finally, dessert was serve — White fungus sweet soup.

White Fungus Sweet Soup

Hello world!

November 5, 2009

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